
Let’s Get A Couple Things Straight.

Let’s Get A Couple Things Straight.

Lately, I feel like Debbie-downer so I want to get a couple things straight.

-I am loosing someone very close to me right now (Cancer is a b*tch) BUT this woman has lived an amazing journey. She has been in my life since day one and has been a phenomenal role model (although I didn’t see it until my mid 20’s.) Even as she knows her time here is limited – she continues to be the most selfless woman around. I hope that i’ll always remember the grace this woman had through many trying times. She handled situations you would never dream of, with class and actions that said more than words ever could.

-I work… a lot! BUT, I take my children to school each and every morning. I sometimes enjoy mid afternoon coffee with my friends. Every once in a while I drive around with my husband doing nothing but looking at new developments and beautiful homes. (You would think we see enough houses in our line of work but believe it or not, we actually call this “date night.” We have some of our best conversations driving.)

-I post on instagram daily. BUT, this does not mean it’s exactly what I am doing at that moment. As many who blog or post regularly, these photos may have been taken that day or they may have been taken a week or two before! I am not trying to mislead anyone or post a “false” life however, running a successful account while raising three children and managing a self employed career takes a ton of organization. I always try my best to be “real” and will work hard to keep it that way. Maybe the photo wasn’t exactly what I was doing, the moment I posted it, but the personality behind the caption is moi!

At the end of the day, i’m just a gal sharing parts of her life with you. Admitting, I sometimes run myself crazy with over committing (but i’ll always make it work.) Admitting that, sometimes life stinks when you go through tough times or deal with the heart break of loosing someone who means the world to you. That i’m a workaholic but my kids mean more to me than any deal or pay-check.

To conclude- life is amazing. Cherish each day you have, with those you love. Work hard but take time to enjoy (i’m still working on this one.) And remember, you’re not everyones “cup of tea” so don’t fret… keep living life as best you can because at the end of it-you, your family and friends are the ones who matter.


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